Monday 9 July 2012

Dear Dreary.
There's been a blanket e-mail going around at work and I think I'm in big trouble. You see, it's been written on MY blanket!
I had a house party for some work colleagues the other week end and things got very messy.
Anyway, somebody stole the blanket off my bed and started e-mailing on it.
Thing is, I gave the bosses wife one under that blanket and for a start it had one of her ear rings stuck in it and with all that rumpy going on beneath it the DNA boys will have a field day. I had to ring it out twice and had Mr Muscle out on a few of the more stubborn stains.
You know what office staff are like, bitching and pointing the finger.
They do say that everything comes out in the wash. Not after the action that's seen!
I hark back to more simpler times, before computers when your blanket was your own business and stayed stuck to the bed sheets.
Your thoughts?
Rip Van Winkle.

My dear Rip. Your life appears to be one long fairytale. You obviously need to behave more responsibly and keep mr.muscle in your pants more often. Life has a nasty habit of catching up with you. Remember that pretty Rapunzel girl from your village? Recently convicted for the infamous Honeypot In The Tower murders. She lured several travelling salesmen to their deaths by asking them to rescue her by climbing up what they thought was her hair. It was actually the rope she hung them with. Then there was that Prince chap,what a charmer he was! Crept into girls' bedrooms as they slept, assaulted them,then strangled them in their beds. Each of the girls was blonde and had a pale complexion. As he killed each of them he would whisper '' your prince has come''. Nasty. So think on Rip. I notice you don't mention your age. Could it be that you are getting on in years and trying to re-live former conquests? You need to slow down a little, kick back a while,or maybe find a new hobby. Most of a
ll at your age,Rip,you must try to keep your winkle to yourself. Oh,another thing. Get more sleep. Night night. Dreary.

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