Monday 6 August 2012

Dear Dreary.
Were the Germans sexy in WWII?
Heinz Beenz.

Dear Heinz.
whilst the answer to your question is obviously ''yes'', i have to say i find Kaiser Bill's boys were even sexier. Those massive shiny helmets never fail to make my thoughts drift away to a different type of physical conflict, and those jack boot straps say to me extreme human bondage and multiple pleasure. Which is all rather odd in reality because Germany has both the highest quota of homos and the smallest average penis size in Europe.
Some make a conscious decision to dye their hair a dark colour, black their faces,and fling themselves headfirst out of the closet as a modern day anti-nazi protest. And the chaps are even worse!
The lederhosen industry is breaking all production records and giving itself a good old fashioned slap on the thigh as faggot Fritz demands newer and tighter styles. The population is falling by a staggering 5% a year as a direct result of groin and testicular injuries.
At the current rate the German race will have been completely wiped out by the year 2525. A kind of poetic justice,you could say Heinz.
Dreary. X

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