Monday 6 August 2012

Dear Dreary.
Can you help me please?My problem is one of consistency. I can sometimes vary between rock hard and disappointingly soft. There seems to be nothing i can do to achieve a regular,satisfying standard, however much i practice. And the more i worry the worse it gets.
What i do find,however,is that when i'm left to my own devices i can maintain a healthy thickness,but the moment anyone tries to help me it goes all sloppy and i have to start all over again.
Perhaps my wrist action is particularly beneficial in attaining the best results,or maybe i have some sort of mental block when
someone else goes anythere near it and this affects my confidence and performance. It is very frustrating! I have a feeling that this may be a subconcious reaction to a bad experience i had with my uncle Nobby when i was ten. He loved to show me what to do and at what speed to do it,but whenever it was my turn he would always end up trying to do it for me and this put me right off.
He's got a lot to answer for! Is there anything you can suggest that might help me?
My job as a plasterer will be at risk if i am not able to get the correct consistency.
Regards, Phil McCrevice,
Sphincter's Wood,

Dear Phil.
It all reminds me if a friend I used to know in Lower Wiffy many moons ago.
He'd be sat for hours sometime straining like buggery trying to tease the problem out. It was as though his insides would fall out at times.
Other times it would be straight out without him breaking into a sweat. Blink and it was gone.
With the concentration and straining he was always wiping himself which often chaffed and brought him out in a terrible rash.
I used to say, oh, the life of a mathematician! How we laughed.
Don't over egg the pudding, give it a stiff whisk and don't lick the rim afterwards, it's dirty!!!
Dreary. xx

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